Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Finish Line!

Okay, first things first. Yes, it has been almost a month since I posted a blip. That hasn't stopped me from taking pictures, though. You see, I had typically been uploading blips during my work lunch-hour, and work had gotten a bit busier, such that I broke the habit off blipping at lunch.

And then I let it continue to slide. Fortunately a kind comment from a fellow blipper was a welcome splash of water to jolt me back awake, helped me realize I do enjoy posting the blips, and I do enjoy reading other people's blips. Time to re-establish the habit. With any luck, expect some long overdue back-blipping in the near future!

Anyways, on to today's blip! Today was the long-awaited United Performing Arts Fund's (UPAF) Ride for the Arts. The employer of My girl is a beneficiary of the UPAF, and we rode to represent their team.

After 2.5 years of bike commuting, this was our first organized ride, and a personal record for miles biked in a day - we rode a 25 mile route (that went over the Hoan Bridge, which was an amazing opportunity), and with the 14 total miles to and from the ride, we logged about 39 miles today. It was fantastic. A day of a couple of fun firsts for the two of us, and here's my girl posing at the finish line at the Summerfest grounds. She looks so accomplished, with good reason: she said she was posing. :)

Runner-up for today's Blip can be found here. If I understand blipfoto's rules, I'm not breaking any rules by posting this. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know, I'm not deliberately trying to be a troublemaker!

Thanks again, Ausländer, for the nice comment! I look forward to posting more soon!

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