
It rained over night and for the first part of today but the sun came out in the afternoon when The Bossess went off to the Vet. (Physio). I suspect The sun possibly went out for her as The Physio works on the principal that pain is good. I recon it’s marvellous that dogs don't have to do Physio  but I suspect that it is because we are better designed and more balanced and 4 is way better than 2 and a heap of other stuff that I probably shouldn't mention as I as yet have not mastered the dreaded free grub bucket that The Boss got from The Vet to keep my grub in safely. Meaning I cant open the B*&*^%^  thing. 
yes I kno I kno not ladylike language.

There were puddles everywhere. NOTHING to do with ME…RIGHT!!!
In fact I was doing my best to reduce them but I didn’t seem to be as thirsty when it was only 8 c.
It’s bark to rain tomorro so The Boss will get another wack at his  book project from Christmas in the USA and I will get another wack at re-re-re arranging my bed. AsIdo.

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