Sam and Me...Slightly Soft

Walkies today, being Monday and all that and I was excited to see that Sam had come along. Sam belongs to Travelingkiwi so it was sort of a mobile Blip meet as we walked down the side of Lake Hawea with a small group of “B” teamers.
Sam is an Ausi Border Collie so has a bit of an accent but hardly makes any noise at all so you hardly notice. There was a wether problem actually on the road and he was really keen to round them up (The Wethers) and despatch them to the nearest works but J was having none of that so the wethers were untouched during the walk. It did however look a bit off later (The Weather) and there was the odd spot of rain later, which was what was said before we started. I hope you understand all that as I may ask questions later.
We are both slightly soft what with Sam’s lovely long golden hair and my curls but what I actually meant was the pic is slightly soft as we were trotting along and The Boss had his big glass on so there was a bit of movement and all that other tech stuff but The Boss thought that you might like to see how well Ausi’s and The Irish get along so here were are and no enlargement is offered on this occasion…Right? Woof!
After all A Lady needs to always look her best.

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