Tree blossom

Today was more of a normal day. The hospital called and indeed they don't want to see me until my tests have been completed. In this modern age they did ask when I eventually get the letter from the radiography and imaging department can I let them (cardiology) know when it is so they can schedule my appointment with them afterwards... At least the lady I spoke to was nice and accepted that the situation is insane - one would wonder what politicians have been doing to the NHS for the past few decades if simple appointments can't be coordinated on the same site!

Today's blip is some tree blossom I blipped on the way home. The tree is covered in the stuff and it smells nice as you walk past - except when you are breathing in traffic fumes...

After work I had swimming, and I managed a healthy 1 km. I'm not as slow as at the start with my medication, but I'm still slower than I should be. Mind you on the up side I have nice low blood pressure this evening and a resting heart beat below 50!

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