Sieze the day

By Mario

Selfie Centred

Yesterday was quite a big day not finishing my callout until 2am. Tonight I was coaching down at the park again and while the Kids were warming up I shot some images of a Mother watching her Son at Football practice. The whole time she was head down typing crap stuff on her mobile and then unbelievably she picked the phone up held it in the air smiled at it and took a selfie and promptly started writing all about it on her mobile completely oblivious to the real world around her. I wish people spent as much time interested in their offspring as they do in their mobile phones. One day some of these kids are going to Text to their parents on the couch beside them and say Mum I am going to be 21 next week and Mum will say when did that happen. Like I have said a number of times quality time with your family is not the add break during a TV programme. Sorry a bit sarcy but just do not like this selfie nonsense.

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