
I shall regale you with tales for the next 1001 nights.....then you can kill me or marry me!!

So story number one.....I travelled alone across a wild and dangerous land looking for riches and knowledge to aid me on my quest for a better life. Little did I know that the gates to enlightenment were guarded by a coven of vampires. They enticed me in with their mesmerising beauty and promised the future I desired. Their leader leaned in close, his hands were liquid silk that rippled down my arm. He kissed my neck and I exploded in a million sensations, I couldn't move as I slipped into his strong, powerful arms. Slowly, he opened his mouth and tenderly touched my skin with teeth as sharp as razors. Every part of me wanted him to bite me, I yearned to join him, I was trapped in his spell.............

Well if I told you what happened next you wouldn't come back tomorrow and I would be beheaded tonight!!!

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