
By ChrisGroucutt

Mario Lanza AJW

These Mario Lanza portraits and messages are part of a decades long real world meme & mystery. Nobody knows who AJW is, but he (or she) has been leaving these doodles on beermats, bottles, cans, postcards for people to find, for 50 years. FIFTY YEARS!
Mostly a West Midlands (in UK) phenomenon, but occasionally they've been found further afield.
This is my 3rd find... it was in a bookshop just sitting there amongst the books. My other 2 were in pubs, the first being in the late 80s just sat there in the toilets, by the sink, propped up against the mirror, waiting to be found. Back then there was no internet to find out what it was all about, but here and there I found people in the know, and joined the special club :)

Nowadays he (or she), has a group on facebook. Lots of theories on there, but still it seems everyone is none the wiser.

Let me know if anybody has seen one... gotta love a good mystery.


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