Tree and Fields on the Aldborough Road

A civilised and relaxed day...Saturday papers, lunch in the garden and a walk with HL in the late afternoon. Trying to keep up with the garden; I was sorting out some bird netting for the strawberry plants which are flowering just now.
We had a visit from a rather wild cat who lives up the road; he has a home of his own but visits our garden often. He is (we are almost sure) the father of our delightful but rather mischievous young tom cat, Billy. So we call him "Dad". 
You need to watch out for Dad, as he does tend to rather bully our cats sometimes and will try to steal their food. This has given rise to some rather humorous text messages, such as:

" Dad came over and skulked around the shed looking for a bite to eat, but I chased him out and down the road!"

Anyway, today I got all soft hearted, watching him...he looked so like his son and so peaceful, I let him be.

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