Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

The sentinels

Final football match of the season for the boys today. A high scoring match which they won 7:5!

I was a little apprehensive of the lads going into the match fearing someone getting injured. Knocks and worse happen all the time, especially at this age where their coordination is somewhat behind their growing strength and size. However, they have all started their GCSEs in recent days - a plaster cast would be rather unwelcome at this particular time. 

Thankfully, they all managed to come out unscathed although Jonathan clattered into the opposing keeper at a massive rate of knots and one of the opposition players limped off. No harm done in the end but a few moments of concern. 

After days of revision again this week as well as some exams, they were glad to get out and let off some steam.

This followed the club awards on Friday where Jonathan was voted Parents play of the Year and didn't get Managers player simply because he got Parents vote. The manager quite rightly wanted to spread the awards around. 

Jonathan only scored one today but easily managed highest scorer for the season although he made three other goals for others one of which was a hat trick. He loves kicking a football, they all do - coming weekends are going to be hard over coming weeks for a group of lads! 

This image was facing behind me from the pitch where these two impressive trees guard a whole in the hedge through to more pitches and what is now the cricket square and pitch. The old fella stood there quite some minutes. In then I decided to include him and the dog. It is a 3 shot HDR image to get some detail into the sky.

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