Token exchange at Wittersham Road

A passenger on the railway today rather than on duty. We took our Canadian friend Marion for a ride on the KESR from Tenterden to Bodiam and back. She was thrilled by the ride, was able to get up on the footplate of this locomotive as we waited for the return journey to Tenterden.

We planned to travel down to Bodiam on the 1.20pm steam train but plans didn't quite work out so we had to settle for the 2.25pm departure, which was the heritage diesel multiple unit. However, this offered a different dimension as we were able to sit right at the front, just behind the driver and have a birdseye view of the track and the station. Someone had paid a large sum of money for a cab ride in the DMU but we were in just as good a position and heard the driver's commentary too.

The signalman at Wittersham must have been on his passing out turn as I saw the Singalling Inspector was in the box. I hope he passed out as I know what it's like not to and I know the elation I felt when I passed out at the second attempt.

At Bodiam we were able to have a quick look at the Castle and witness a blue helicoper take off across the road before making our way back to Tenterden on the last train of the day. A good day weatherwise and the Kent and Sussex countryside was looking its best for our Canadian friend.

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