Secret Tunnels

Despite the dismal weather this morning, we had a lovely blipmeet with Nickimags888 and her son, TheAphid.  We started off in a garden centre with the MonoMonday theme in mind - The Day of the Triffids.  Fancy a garden centre that doesn't stock Triffids!  I spent a few minutes photographing orchids which I thought could be interpreted as a triffid's tendrils!

We gave up on trying to photograph the beach and a high viewpoint due to the rain and mist - no view at all, and settled for a cup of tea at Nicki's house where her son posed as a Triffid!

John and I then went off to look at the Jersey War Tunnels which portray the history of Jersey under German occupation in WW2.  This exhibition is done incredibly well and is a real eye opener on what it was like in reality.  Whilst there, I used a slow shutter to capture movement in the long tunnel.  In the Day of the Triffids, those who survived with sight had to meet secretly to plan their survival and the overthrow of the triffids.  I thought this tunnel with its 'ghost' represented their situation.

An orchid picture added too so you can judge which i should have used.

The weather is reasonable at the moment so we may go out later to attempt another sunset. We'll see what the cloud is doing around 8pm.

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