Sometimes It's The Little Things

Like this hedge on our street, for all the world like it was made of those blue ones in the Liquorice Allsorts packet. Taken on my way home from Monday night football at Meadowbank.
As they say, look away now if you don't want to know the score - football-only chat for the rest of today's entry.
A very satisfying game, not least because our side won in the end by a single goal. We started well and I scored our second by being the quickest to pounce on a rebound off the goalkeeper. But slowly the pressure mounted, and despite some great work from M in our goal they finally took the lead at 3-4. I then managed to get onto the end of a throw-in down the wing when A misjudged the ball and it bounced over his head when he had tried to kick it clear. As their goalkeeper S said afterwards, he felt he was on the wrong foot but was just thinking, 'I'll be okay as Jon rarely shoots early' when the ball whizzed by, just out of his reach and into the corner of the goal. They did get ahead again at 4-5 but then a long range pile driver from D and a neat dummy from R, right in front of the goalkeeper completed the scoring and secured our 6-5 win. As I said, most pleasing.

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