
By Madchickenwoman


I love rainbows! I don't think I am alone in this! 
I am no better but no worse shingle wise - but I took the day very slowly and only went out late afternoon to do food shopping. The shingles uncertain condition, is it waning, is it  waxing, did give me the excuse to go beserk and buy exactly what I fancied - going on the supposition that if it developed I would not have the energy to cook and would need something easy and tempting! Oh have I got a lot of scrumptious food ( and drink!) from Waitrose!!
On the way there I had noted certain places I wanted to stop on the way back to take photographs - but at my first stop the heavens opened! I waited and it stopped so out I jumped to take a tree on a grassy flowered mound at the fork of the road. As I turned to go back to the car I saw this beauty! Blip sorted! But I still went on to take more cows and the wild garlic covering the woods! 
Once home I had just brought my many bags in from the car when Camera Man called with his new bike for France, he is joining Fellow Retiree and his wife to hunt orchids - they have already posted stunning photographs of these,churches and Troglodyte dwellings and quaint eating places on Facebook - so envious! Then my Caring Counsellor (CC)friend called - never rains but it pours but rainbows all the way! Camera Man went off with 6 eggs and CC and I chatted for 4 hours ! She and  her  husband, a carpenter, are doing a  barn conversion, she is project Managing and he is doing the building work! She wanted to move back to Ireland but has accepted this is never going to happen. We spoke of the election and how Labour basically lost it due to their own inadequacies. Also  self harming and the isolation of many children who do it from their parents, who are too busy on their phones and laptops to even give them eye contact let alone talk to them. We also spoke of female role models and the appalling ones  actresses and pop stars are giving  with their dress style - or lack of dress full stop! How what level of body showing is acceptable in what context and what messages boys/ men are getting from them and translating to the girls/women they meet similarly dressed. Bikinis and topless sunbathing on a beach fine,  sheer dresses and side boob on the red carpet fine, in the local club an invitation for groping? We also spoke about the medical profession and the medical model - both of us firmly against it!!!
Now fridge stuffed, chickens asleep and fat cat fed, time to eat something tempting! I promise to catch up on all your news tomorrow!  

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