Bands of Light

12.7C at the Met.Office weather station at Leuchars (local weather station has far too high a temperature recorded) with sunny spells and big white and dark clouds. Some short sharp showers. Light breeze.

Maeve the deerhound was out in the back garden this morning. I topped up the compost on the two biggest pots with second early potatoes, sowed two more big pots of salad, and checked the plants in the greenhouse.

Maeve and I went for our walk after lunch. We went up to the church then continued out along the country road to Scryne. We turned right at Craigmill farm and went down the track to the shore road. We came back along the cycle path, where I liked the bands of light looking up the half mile to the church, and went down to the beach at Westhaven via the level crossing.

Down on the beach the tide was about half way in. The sea was calm.. Valhalla A was moored out at the seaward end of the channel through the rocks, although not many rocks were in view above the surface.

We came up off the beach at the fishermen's huts, walked along East Row then came back over the road bridge over the railway line and back up the main road and round to home.

Later I sowed the wild flower seeds I got through BBC Countryfile in the circular border in one of the lawns in the back garden.

DMC-LX7 f/3.5 1/1600 sec. ISO-80 14mm

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