
By BrightNBreezy1

It's wet in Watercolour...

...but good weather for ducks!

Fairly mundane day - stuff to catch up on around the house and medication to collect. One of the joys of aging I suppose!

After the chemist I popped along to Watercolour which is a local housing development. I always thought it would be a pleasant place to live with its jolly clapperboard houses and waterfront views.

The rain had stopped for ten minutes so I jumped out to take a photo of the lake. The lake and the rain of the past couple of days made me think of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner... 'water water everywhere ...nor any drop to drink...' 

I stood on a little jetty and  watched grebes (I think) dive and disappear for a ridiculously long time!

When I turned round, I realised I was being targeted by a swarm of huge mosquitos!! Hurrying back to the car they followed me in an angry cartoon-type arrow - I swear I could see them salivating! I suspect I'll wake up tomorrow looking like Dennis the Menace after he painted red spots on his face to avoid school! Attractive! :(

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