Next day!

We headed out to deal with the list at a leisurely pace!   We found another garden centre, not as nice as the one yesterday, and they didn't have any water lilies...and they quoted a much higher price for theirs when they did come in!!!   Then off to Cosco and my quest.... a new tablet!  i purchased a very inferior tablet about a month ago....hated sending it back and now for one that i actually wanted but wasn't willing to pay the price.   At Cosco i got it for a good now i'm happy, and i have a lot of investigating to do, which will be fun (mostly). 

Picked up our clay supplies and had a nice little visit with the woman that owns the place....then stopped for a lunch before heading back home.   Stopped in at the 1st garden centre and Terry got himself a water actually looked more like a bucket of mud and stones...but we were assured that there was a plant growing there!  i treated myself to a forsythia bush!!!   i'm so excited, i've wanted one for ages .... so now to figure out where to plant it!  

Lots of crazy rain as we drove home....finally coming up our Big Hill we spotted something large and dark and very ponderous coming towards was a large beaver...too crazy!

the other extra shot is of a lovely item i found in the B & B., it's 2 pieces, with a candle in the lower part and essential oil in the little bowl...i'm thinking of making them in the pottery!!!  i think they are pretty neat!

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