On the road to ...

to Halifax!  This is just ourside the Tim Horton's which is just on the other side of the causeway that connects Cape Breton Island to mainland Nova Scotia.   We always stop at this TH's for coffee and lunch.....we were driving down to Halifax for a few things.   Mostly to pick up clay for the next couple of months.    We usually book into a nice B & B, meet up with Randy (Terry's son) for dinner and we usually have another few shopping things to do!

On our way down we stopped in at a lovely garden centre....it was such a beautiful day, warm and sunny.   Terry was on a quest...he wanted to find some water lilies for the new pond.   This place had only 1 left.....he decided to wait till our return journey.....we had another couple of places to check out!   Then into Halifax for dinner at a lovely sushi place.   We managed to find our B & B, but there were a few obstacles to deal with!  the main one being the bridge we needed to cross was closed for the night!   Plan B....find the other bridge and reroute ourselves!  We did it, but we felt pretty exhausted when we finally go there!

A good nights sleep and we all was well next day!

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