Vernal Viridescence

This Mallard drake looked lovely gliding amongst the reeds at Lake Padden mid-afternoon, so I was quite surprised when he reversed direction to see that his right leg was drawn up against his body, as there was no indication in his swimming that he was anything but able-bodied.

I hope this handicap doesn't curtail his normal lifespan, but even if it does, perhaps he's already passed on his genes to the two delightful ducklings seen in the extra photo, enjoying the sunshine with their attentive mother.

As for me, I'm basking in the kind comments, stars, and hearts for yesterday's laden bee -- thank you! -- and to top off my glow, I finished the photo book for our granddaughter today, and hope to complete her brother's book in the next day or two. Then I can move on to creating photo books covering our 2013 trip to Iceland, our vacation last year in Bruges and the Languedoc region of France, and our annual visits to Portland (Oregon), as well as photo books on family history. 

There's never a dearth of creative, interesting things to do in retirement!

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