
By Mindseye

Furry flower

Been one heck of a day........so this is the best I can give you at this late hour.

This pulsatilla lives very happily beneath quite a large fir tree in our front garden. I do love it's rich colour and furry coat ;-)

Pleased to report Youngest's eye is doing fine, even if we did have to wait from 2.45 through until 5.55 for what was a 3pm appointment!!!!

I have a photo assignment tomorrow, might share a blip,if it turns out ok ;-)

Been quizzing tonight, missed out on top 3 by 3 points.......I need to get this off my chest.......funny how we were level with the same score as the team we exchanged and marked, but they decided to query two of their answers and the soft quizmaster allowed their incomplete answers to stand so increased their score......which put them into clear third! It's not sour grapes or prize money, but the principal! How many of you knew that there is a spice girl called Emma Bunting?! We gave them a point, it's 2 points for a correct answer, but they weren't happy with 1.......#frustrated!
It's ok, I'll be fine in the morning ;-)

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