Blue flower

This morning after breakfast and a quick batch of ironing, we went for a bike ride while it was nice. I managed 31.1 km at an average of 19.7 km/h topping out at a maximum of 57 km/h. Not bad given my current medication, so I'm happy.

After lunch I repeated the MuleSoft training to try and make it sink in. While many elements of the course are very dull and boring, it has some good stuff in it, and I wanted to repeat it to make I've absorbed it.

While I was learning about MuleSoft, my better half went to collect some rhubarb from friends, and tomorrow I'll turn it into rhubarb and ginger jam. When I'd finished the course I came down to start preparing the rhubarb: a quick wash and then shop into 3 cm chunks to soak overnight in sugar in the fridge.

Once that was all done I went out side to try a few pictures. I got a couple of half decent aquilegia pictures, but I think I like this knapweed (of some cultivar) best.

Tonight is the Eurovision, but I don't think I'll bother wasting my time, instead we'll watch 1864 on BBC4, which will be a lot more interesting. First I'll have to make the pizza though!

Tomorrow will be my formal weigh-in. This week I've been moving back towards my target weight after a slight deviation two weeks ago, this morning I shifted another 800 g and should be back on track tomorrow if all goes well...

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