
By Peahen

The icing off the cake.

B has recently discovered bakewell tarts, thanks to school dinners, and asked the Mister if they could make some this weekend. After a few false starts finding a recipe ("No daddy, they need to be round and just for one person, not square and for everybody") we hit the jackpot with a Mary Berry recipe on the Bakeoff page. After a few mods (ready made pastry rather than making our own, ditto with jam) we were golden. The icing dripped through the cooling rack onto the table making sticky white stalactites ("G for Ground, C for Cake" to slightly corrupt the saying on how you tell them apart from stalagmites). If I was taking it again I'd use one of the pancake lenses rather than the macro, which struggled a bit with focus with such a choice of targets. Never mind, it feels good to blip something from the camera rather than the phone.

Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday. It feels brilliant knowing that my part in it is done now. Next up is knuckling down to some reading for the next part of my course, then cracking on with some pictures.

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