
By lucia13

The antique coffee shop!

This is a beautiful coffee shop in Clare, Suffolk. The shop has 4 floors full of antiques. I went there a few times but never stayed in this cafe because it was always so busy. I love it and we really enjoyed the lunch and  and the fresh scone with the tea. The furniture is old fashioned and it has colourful walls full of paintings for selling as the lamps, chairs, teapots , tables etc. If you look carefully you can see the levels with the places  holding in the lamps ,chairs, etc  That is something special and different. Nice atmosphere and relaxing. At the same time you enjoy your tea you can buy some things you like around even the table were you are having a tea if you like it. .
We also visited the Parish Church where they were selling books and other things for charities. Later we went to visit another interesting art exhibition in the town hall. The club of painters of Suffolk.
We had a nice day but now I am too tired and  need to pack my suitcase. Tomorrow we will fly to Edinburgh and we will have a tour around some places in Scotland like Aberdeen . Perth and Dundee etc.
Hope I can take some new pictures of landscapes and Castles for my paintings.
Thanks for the beautiful words and stars about my  lovely guests and artists I posted yesterday. It was not the best picture but I didn't want to disturb them so much and the tripod was not right. I should have checked the pic before they went home!
Have a  nice weekend  everybody and  hope you enjoyed my colourful cafe shot. My husband was  just looking at the menu board when I was taking a picture .

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