
By BoroLady69

Spa day for the geese, workday for the gardener...

Yet another lovely afternoon visiting MacKenzie-Childs in Aurora, NY.  Gardeners were everywhere tidying up the flower beds, today the area where the geese live, and stacking the huge barn for their impending barn sale - no-one would 'give away' the date for this, all asked said "we haven't been notified yet."  It is well publicized on their website and media countrywide.  Today the geese caught my attention.,58524210868,mackenzie%20-%20childs&gclid=CP7wj5uN2MUCFdOQHwod3SgAiQ  Mariann Fessenden writes this blog - always a good read, laugh too, whenever I check into it.
A little back story. We have an area on the estate called the Chicken Palace. Back in the day, it housed all sorts of exotic birds but now we just keep a few chickens, our flock of geese, and Sherman the peacock. The entire building used to be devoted to geese but a few years ago, when we got sheep, we put a fence down the middle of the goose yard and divided it into a sheep side and a bird side. Our reasons were twofold; the geese had grown increasingly less friendly (as geese are wont) and the sheep would eat all the goose food if given access (not good for their digestion, health, and figures!). Additionally, everyone wanted to visit the sheep, especially after lambs were born, and the geese tended to harass anyone who entered their enclosure. A few years into this arrangement, we adopted Simon.

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