Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Poetic Melancholy..

Under a burnt sky, in a frivolous melancholic mood I walked about the grave yard. Missing my loved ones with an aching heart, so gone, yet still so present, so distant the years since we touched or spoke, so vivid the memories...almost if I reached out they would be solid in my hands.

Amongst the fallen, grave stones and friends, I see familiar names. Nothing more sad than dried dying flowers mocking the once so vibrant flesh that blessed the world. All alone with with the silent listeners my heart warms, what stories of love fill the stones, each word carved into the souls of the people who gathered to see them leave.

Such is this easily wasted, so easily lived and just so easily gone.... time does not stand still for the asking, these kindred spirits that float lazily in the air around me thought they had all the time in the world.

My feet crunch on the stone gravel path, thunderous and rude, leaving behind the echoes of my mood and heart.....into the living world....exquisite, lustful, beauty.

A moment of poetic feel the highs....there must be the lows.... just don't dwell there with the restful dead.

A day of many thoughts and feelings......

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