Specific miscellany

By JohnLamont

Planet Garage Daily! - Queenie the proud parent

I shot some more video yesterday found here. It was apparent the two remaining chicks were flexing feathery flappers to exit the nest.

However just 10 mins before i was ready to submit this blip, my wife called me. One chick had lept from the nest and was trying to get out the window. The mother was watching and calling from the nearby fence. I was initially uncertain if opening the window to let the chick out was wise. It was leaping at the window and i thought if the nest was in a tree the chick would be on the ground and out in the wild. So I opened the window and it leapt out and promptly fell to the ground. Queenie was very noisy and they both bounced off into I hope a safe future.

Meanwhile the second chick watched brother or sister leave the nest then filled-out in the one-to-a-nest. I expect this one will fatten-up faster being the only mouth to feed now. I will try and keep track, but as I am out shooting over the next few days it will be tough. Might leave something on a long timelapse and hope for the best.

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