The Mackenzie

I left Queenstown this morning (driving) and headed thru Wanaka to pick up some stuff. Lovely drive over the Crown Range, and some good pics, that I haven't posted ;-)

Then off to Lake Ohau to see a client, one of my favourite places in the world. Lunch, discussion and more pics ;-)

I got away around 4pm and started the last leg home, thru the Mackenzie. It was a great afternoon/evening - storm in the mountains and fine on the plains - made for some good light.

I choose this pic as it represents what the Mackenzie is, maybe not for a lot longer. Big skies, big mountains and stark landscapes.

Some would say that unfortunately dairying is moving in and now there are irrigators, green pastures and cows everywhere. And do you know that it apparently takes about 50 litres of (irrigation) water to make 1 litre of milk. Progress ...

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