
It's amazing how much time I can spend on any given day, lurking at the kitchen windows or on the front porch, trying to capture the whizzing hummingbirds to-ing and fro-ing between the feeder and the various trees and shrubs from which they spring into action to defend said feeder.

Giving up in late afternoon today, I had a brief bimble in the back yard/garden, where I found this lone fern/bracket frond escaping the colony happily settled under the stairs to our deck. 

This outlier reminded me of my Saturday venture/adventure at Cappy's Boxing Gym in Seattle with daughter M. No one in my past or present would associate me with boxing, yet I enjoyed my time there, much to my surprise, and would happily go again. Several folks have expressed a desire to see me in my boxing gloves, so take a look at the extra photo today, in which I'm trying to remember to return my gloved hands to the protective position by my ears before launching another blow at the cushion that my daughter is holding. Clearly, no one need worry about my defensive skills at this time!

And as long as you're looking at extra photos, don't miss Phil's attractive companion--briefly--on his hike with his son!

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