Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Hungry caterpillars

Busy but nap free day
Library this morning to take the boys books back and get new ones.
We also picked up recycling bags as the bin men have been a bit rubbish of late in giving us new ones and didn't want to risk running out.
Home for a play and then lunch.
Out in the garden for a play back in for some refreshments and a cool down as the clouds had disappeared and it was warming up.
The tea mini fajitas for the boys which they loved. I normally deconstruct them for them but made mini ones for them and they went down a treat.
Back out to play as it was still warm and sunny.
Disaster struck Elliot decided it would be a good idea to stand on top of the slide and as he was too busy shouting at Isaac to concentrate on what he was doing promptly fell off ( only a small slide not a big fall, had told him to sit down and be careful) onto the decking!
Much crying and cuddles no visible injuries so no need for a trip to A+E (yet I see one brewing before summer is out).

Trip to look at a nursery tomorrow hope this one is ok as it's the last viable on route to work option

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