
I was following Pelly downstairs this morning when she suddenly stopped, she was aware of something in the hall. Her whole body went into stalking mode, she hugged the wall, head low and slinked down only to pause a few steps from the bottom. I passed her and turned the corner...well we both jumped out of our skin as there was a helium balloon that had floated out of the front room. 

I whizzed over to Horwich to meet Mary this afternoon and she took me off to Chorley Market. We had a good rummage around the market stalls, then I spotted an old lady who had fallen over. I rushed over as her daughter was trying to lift her up and the woman was obviously in pain, I said they shouldn't move her but wait for an ambulance as she had hurt her arm and shoulder....maybe her clavicle?? Well they phoned for help and a woman rushed over, who said she was a nurse, so we left them to it. "I was going to tell them you were into blood so you are practically a nurse...well near enough a doctor," Mary laughed....thank God she didn't ha ha ha.

Mary then visited all...and I mean all...her favourite Charity shops. I have never seen so many. Thankfully she had her fill and we met up with her sister, her niece and a friend in a teashop. Her niece had the cutest, yet biggest and roundest, baby I have ever seen with her. Her friend had a bag of jigsaws...she had just bought in a Charity Shop! She said as it was half term and she didn't have a man so what else are you supposed to do in half term except jigsaws. I felt like I'd entered a parallel universe or there was a hidden camera somewhere. 

A little, old lady, started chatting to us as we wandered around and she let me take her pic. It isn't the best photo but it will have to do for today.

It was just that kinda day.....

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