
By carliewired

A Most Peculiar Day

It was a day of
all sorts - many events rolled
into just one day

~ carliewired

I was up and out the door for a salon appointment. I caught D coming back from Falkland. He spun his vehicle around to meet me for lunch. We discussed strategies and decided to return to Falkland together. The first stop was the quilt store in Armstrong. However, I was 5 minutes late and the front door was locked. We stopped for fresh asparagus, a big favourite of ours. Back we went to Falkland to see D's purchase - a 1948 Dodge. She is a dear old thing in need of some major work. We're told she runs. We'll see. I got to see Marianne's huge collection of iris. I have never seen so many in one garden or a garden so big! I also saw a 1953 Chevrolet pickup. It was a temptation. Then, we saw the 1966 Ford Mustang. We think that one could be coming home with us next week. It's red and has collector plates and ready to drive. We turned towards home passing wildflowers along the roadside. I stopped for a quick shot of the wild roses. There seems to be a bumper crop of them this year. We were home for dinner, which included asparagus, of course!

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