Mr John

By MrJohn

Running .....

..... again

Everytime I step outside my front door I feel very lucky to live where I do. This must be one of the most beautiful parts of the country.

This afternoon after walking 10 minuits from my house I was on Ilkley moor with lambs gamboling past me, I had a wander over to White wells for a hot chocolate and was once again given free whipped cream on top by Mark who runs the cafe. I tried photographing a lovely little terrier dog who was there with his owners, who gave me some doggy chocolate treats to encourage him to pose ( I was very tempted to do a runner and eat the doggy chocolate myself ) I think I need a bit more practice at taking animal portraits. After white wells I had a wander back in to town via Hebers Ghyll, a lovely steep wooded area.

This evening I have been out running with the Ilkley Harriers. There was a very small turn out at the club today due to the bank holiday and people recovering from a local race yesterday. I ended up running in a small group of half a dozen evenly paced runners, including Spartan ( of blip fame ), Alison ( who I race with ) and Phil ( who I used to train with years ago when I was much fitter than I am now ).

The run this evening was through fields of cows that chased us over the style, fields of long wet grass that made my trainers squelchy, cut down fields with curlews soaring above shreeking, fields so full of sheep and lamb, that even I could have taken a lamb photo and fields full of midges that Spartan very kindly attracted away from everyone else ;-). When we wern't running through fields we were running through beautifull lush woodland with birds chirping away. Despite the drizzle ( or maybe because of it ) it has been one of my favourate training runs this year.

I didn't feel like going out for a run after the walk on the moor this afternoon, but I'm glad I did. So todays blip is .....

..... Running again.

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