horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

On Our Way...

The start of a two week back-blip of our holiday to India - traveling round the north by train. It's going to take me a while to get these all together, and there will be LOADS of photos in a Flickr set up for the trip by the time I get to the end. But most of my actual thoughts will be here... (and in a lot more detail in a little project I'm cooking up).

The journey to India wasn't too stressful, with our flight leaving Edinburgh for Heathrow at a reasonable 10.30am, and from there we left to arrive in Kolkata (Calcutta) at about 3.30am. Paying the extra for World Traveller 'Plus' was shown to be the right decision - when you're 6'3" that little more legroom is appreciated by back, knees and anti-thrombiotic veins. It's a pity the entertainment on the flight was so poor, and the air crew were as cold and unfriendly as those traveling to Heathrow had been warm.

And, while we're at complaining, a soggy ricotta and spinach panini really doesn't cut it as an on-board breakfast, especially not when the dinner earlier in the flight had actually be pretty good. British Airways, we expect more (or, sadly, I guess we don't these days).

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