
By Mindseye

Five pretty maidens all in a row!

After a rubbish nights sleep, we were up and down into town, to get "supplies"......well lunch for 10 to be precise!! As we had an important appointment to meet our new granddaughter today, the beautiful Isabella Mae!

When we arrived, the house was littered with children, presents, toys and cards from Olivia's birthday yesterday, and new baby cards for Isabella's arrival on Monday. Mummy is doing remarkably well, even popped out in the car this morning. Daddy has a bad back.........don't think he had the baby?!!

Our daughter was having cuddles, the girls were colouring in the kitchen, whilst Olivia was trying to join in, much to their frustration!

After lunch, I asked all the girls if they would sit with Isabella so I could take a picture of all our granddaughters together! After several attempts, with Olivia clamouring in and out of shot I managed a handful that were ok! Almost impossible to get them all looking in the same direction at any one time!!!! Would have been easier to manage a bucket of frogs!!

Isabella is being cuddled by her eldest sister Paige, with her other two sisters, Caitlyn and Olivia on the right and cousin Emily on the left.

I promise this will be the last family related blip for a little while, but when you have a new arrival, it's only right to give her a spotlight :-)

Quiz night tonight............hope there's no argy-bargy!!!

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