Ayr Wisteria

On delivery duties today across country to Ayr.  It was a delightful drive, everything in the countryside looks so good at the moment.  Even those hillsides scarred by open cast mining didn't seem so bad.  And I'm getting used to the wind farms.

The gallery is in Rozelle Park in Ayr.  It is a wonderful public resource, full of big open spaces where trees are given the space to grow.  Lots of people out enjoying the space; many accompanied by their dogs.  Dogs behave differently with other dogs around and so do their owners who seem to get quicker to annoyance when their charges don't do what they are told because there are other dogs around.

There was a wisteria outside the gallery in full bloom.  Ayr has its own microclimate.  I think we have our own microclimate too though it is more on colder side as microclimates go.

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