
By memento

Erm, mine is cute too...

It was confirmed this morning via email from an expert on amphibians that Alastor would not survive his leg amputation without intervention. Unable to hunt and likely riddled with infection, he would slowly starve. Well, not on my clock or in my water fountain.

After a quick, fuzzy portrait snap, he and I took a drive to the Wildlife Rehab Center. The receiving area was quite busy, with the most vocal being two ladies, each with their own box, oohing and aahing at each other's creatures they were turning in for rescue. I agree that furry baby bunnies and fuzzy ducklings have a major awwww factor. Did they really have to get THAT look on their faces though when I answered their inquiry with "a frog".

I told them about Alastor's tiny hands with plump little fingers, each with a suction cup at the tip and how he suctioned on to my fingers for dear life before I could put him into the container. You TOUCHED it!!?? Isn't it cold and slimy??!! Well yes, compared to a fuzzy bunny, which apparently is all you can handle, lady, I thought.

The check-in clerk thought my Alastor is lovely and promised that the rehabilitators would take good care of him if he could, in fact be saved. Hmmm, I said, as long as that last statement wasn't your way of saying he's going to be fed to the injured baby heron you have back there. 

Either way, the relief of not having to witness his demise is palpable.

It has been a busy week with creative projects and the next one is coming right up. I've been commissioned to teach the neighborhood teens how to use their moms' sewing machines over the summer holidays. Due to a lack of space in my own house, I will do one-on-one tutoring, with an easy A-Z project to start them off. 

This weekend; some wall mudding and repainting and if it's not too soggy, a bit of deck sanding and restaining.

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