A "Smile" from a Seal

As usual, I have mixed feelings about seeing "wild" animals in captivity.

A local small city was having their Hometown Days. Animals, carnival rides, businesses pushing their wares, and carnival food. It is all set up right across the street from my baby sister's house, so we didn't have any trouble finding a parking spot.

The animals included some domestic species. Sheep, llamas, goats, chickens, pigeons, and horses. The wild animals included camels, monkeys, kangaroos, reptiles, and the seals. After the seals put on their show, for a fee, you could get your picture taken with the three of them.

What hams they are! As soon as they see the camera, they put their heads either on your shoulder, or right on your head. Fun to watch peoples reactions.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157653673577421 Fly on over to Flickr to see some pictures of Merrick, and some of the other animals.

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