
Today's the day ....................... de retourner

Bonsoir, tout le monde.  Je suis chez nous et je recommence encore une fois - faire des blips!

We have spent the last ten days with our very good French friends, Marc and Marie Claire.  They came on the Eurostar from where they live near Grenoble - and we met them in London.  We spent a few days there before returning to Kendal - and then immediately going off to show them Wales, in four days.  So, as you can imagine, it's been all go - and it was all my brain could cope with to try and remember my schoolgirl French - never mind blip at the same time.  But they left this morning to do the return trip back to France and so normal life has sort of returned.  We had such a wonderful time with them.  

Bear with me and I will slowly post pictures of where we went and the fun things we got up to.  Meanwhile, comme toujours, it's good to be back ......................... 

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