This afternoon Hubby and I visited some of his relatives that he hasn't seen for a long time. I have never met them - he has been saying for at least 2 years that we must drop in on his aunty. She is 85 and very sprightly but recent events have made us realise we must stop talking about these things and actually do them. By coincidence we picked a day when one of her 3 daughters had a birthday and they were all there with their spouses, which was a nice surprise. I didn´t take any photos which was a bit silly of me as I did have a camera with me.  
Today is the last day of May and WalkingWombat's Maymacromania so I had that to fall back on for a blip. I didn´t want another flower or dandelion so looked for bees and bugs but only found this beetly thing on the pussy willow where I previously found a lady bird. I thought this a bit dull in comparison but was surprised by the patterns when I loaded the pictures onto the computer.

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