
By Croft16

Didn't recognise this..

Chores done, Archers listened, breakfast cooked breakfast.
Bid on a cultivator on ebay without success.
Drove to Elphin to see the accountant and get the Development Co.'s accounts signed off.
On to Ullapool for a dog walk up the river.

Saw this tree with seeds I didn't recognise. I think it's an Elm. Once common place in the "English" countryside, before being struck down by Dutch Elm disease.. This one growing quite happily by the river..

A bit of shopping, a meal, and back home..
A wet start to the day, brightening up once we'd got to Ullapool, and then showers on way back..

Settling down now for the last Tom Morton show on radio Scotland, 11pm-1am. He's retiring through ill health, and we'll miss his shows at the weekends.

Also mourning the loss of Richard Treece. A fine guitar player from the 70's band Help Yourself, and a good friend. He died in his sleep on Tuesday.. Happy trails Richard..

Have a listen to the Helps, it's wonderful, and the sort of music Tom plays..

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