New toy..

This telescope was advertised on Facebook (Ullapool).
Well, I couldn't resist, could I..

The yellow one with wooden tripod is the one I got from Oxfam a few years before we moved up. It was very cheap, and I've seen plenty through it. The blue one with the alloy tripod is much bigger, and far easier to use (just waiting for a clear night now!).

When I got the yellow one, I set it up outside, and pointed at the nearest star. But it wasn't round, it was sort of squashed up a bit in the middle. It turned out to be Saturn. I was hooked.. And the next object I saw was Jupiter with it's four (visible) moons. I was hooked even more..

Helped A&J finish off their polytunnel this morning, after a visit to the post box and the mobile bank. Sorted the second door out, tightened up all the bolts, fixed the top rail together with Hex screws, and lifted the hoops to tighten the plastic sheet to drum tight. I've now done four polytunnel covers, and this one is the best so far..

Perfect practice for when I get my next one..

Lovely and warm this morning with bright sun after an early hail storm. Clouded up during the afternoon, with rain and gale force winds just now..

Cleared some beds in the garden, and planted out some parsley plants. Rain will do them good..

Anyone want to buy a telescope?.!!

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