Back on track

With the surgeon’s blessing, HH played golf today for the first time since his hip replacement, just 2 ½ months ago, lucky timing that enabled him to take part in The Quaich. He didn’t make it round the full 18, but that’s hardly surprising, as it felt like the slowest game in golf history - as a fourball, we kept having to let twosomes through. So he dropped off after 14 and went in to organize the sound for the party in the evening. The other two tied for bottom place and I came third from bottom – fierce competition for the wooden spoon!
The party was slow starting, as many of the Brazilians arrived very late, and the two pipers never made it at all. However, things really took off once we started reeling, with a touch of samba thrown in. Our (Brazilian) former Scottish Country dancing teacher, who comes over the hill from Petropolis every year with his family, did a brilliant job of demonstrating the dances and then steering everyone through them, with some help from HH.
Very satisfying that HH was able not only to play golf, but also to do a bit of gentle dancing in the evening.

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