Grad-yee-a-shun Sunday

We had Graduation Sunday and Family Day at our church today. 7 graduates from high school, and 2 from college.

You might look at this picture and see 8 happy graduates being prayed over by our pastor. But, but...but...but, I see dollar signs. In our neck of the woods, we have graduation open houses, and all 7 of the high school boys are having them. The parents serve lunch or dinner, and you take the kids a gift...usually money. BUT...THERE'S SEVEN OF THEM!!! Oh well.

As part of the program, the little ones sang. Merrick did a fine job, but don't kid yourself. He is VERY aware that he is on stage, and he is VERY aware that I am snapping pictures. Oh well.

We had a lazy Sunday afternoon after the program, and the weather didn't help. 50-ish, cold, windy, and rainy. Oh well.

Hope everybody has a great week.

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