Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Josephine 2

No walk this morning as I had to have a blood test. However, this is not always bad news as the garden centre is just over the road from the hospital so I park there and drop by for a spending spree. I was going to blip the pelargoniums I bought, but you've got another view of Josephine instead.

Whatever, I knew it would have to be a quick garden blip today as work is piling it on. Talk about coming back to my desk with a vengeance! One of the festivals we're working on kicks off next week and another is only about 3 weeks away - and there's 2 more after that, one in July and one August! Phew! But I'm quite pleased with this image, the light was intermittently pretty and you know how set I am on blipping flowers.

Wow, though, isn't this week ridiculously short? Yesterday I was thinking how nice that was - today I just find it scary!!

Hope you've all had good days back there at the coalface..

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