
Mum is so upset with me she wouldn't even write my blip yesterday.

It started well enough. There were obedience competitions at the Brukshundsklubben, the main dog association, which is close to one of our favourite walking areas. Mum said Let's go watch some of it! and so we did.

Large breeds like German Shephards and Dobermanns were competing, some were very good. It was all new to me, lots of other dogs watching that I had to keep a constant eye on, so we didn't stay long. On the way back, we noticed no one was using the agility field, and we have payed a membership fee, so we had a go. I tried everything, even the seesaw. Only the bent tunnel, where you can't see through it, was too scary.

But in the evening, when we were walking home from grandma, crossing our own building's lawn with me skipping along happily as usual, my brain said Zap! It's the best way I can describe it. I was happy, and I just wanted to Run! And so I did. No cat, no other dog. Just me. At top speed, away from mum across the next block's lawn and behind the house and out of sight. Then I heard mum yell Here! so I turned back, at top speed. Mum was very angry and said anything could have happened and never, ever do that again.

I'm sorry. I was just happy.

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