Remnants: Robbin's Sawmill

Dear Diary,

About a hundred or so yards from the edge of my property is Ten Mile Brook and the remnants of Robbin's Sawmill.  I have a map of the town from 1858 and it shows my house and the mill.  We believe it was a mill that made shingles.  All that is left now are these foundation stones on the brook.  There is also a cellar hole near the road on my property that may have been the remnant of a small building where they sold the shingles.

There are lots of these sorts of "leftovers in the landscape" in New England.  On the hill across from my house are house and barn foundations and even a graveyard where the builders of my house are buried.  Now you have to look quite hard for these abandoned stones as nature is reclaiming the sites.  Each stone has a tale to tell but few take the time to listen.

Antiquities are history defaced, or some remnants of history which have casually escaped the shipwreck of time. - Francis Bacon

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