
By DWBham

The Institute

Almost in. You turn off the sidewalk and pass through a large gate. Someone will wave at you to sign in on the table on the left, then you walk down a driveway, turn right, and here you are. On the left is the ground-level porch where Guruji was often sitting (and photographed) as students came and went. His house is just inside. On the right, you put your shoes on one of the racks then go in by that blue sign. Then you're in!

If you were in one of my classes before I left, you heard me quote Prashant (thanks to another trip blogger, Anne-Marie Schultz). She quoted him saying, "99.9 percent of yoga students who come here are heading toward disappointment." Well, happy to say, so far I am in the .1%. The class was a gentle start with lots of "Prashant-isms" on how we need to cultivate more awareness. It's not WHAT pose we do; it's HOW we do it. I also liked his bit on "kitchen consciousness." He said (not a direct quote): there are so many things we can do in a kitchen; we go there for so many reasons. Asana should be like that.

I'd like to correct some of my earlier errors:
1) There ARE road signs, but not always where you'd expect them, and I can't make them out.
2) I did see ladies in exercise togs this morning in the park, before 7 a.m. Later in the day most were in saris.

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