
By DWBham

About town

This photo shows nothing special about our rickshaw ride across town, but it does document this first India-adventure milestone. M.M. and A., two of the three other students that Lynn is renting rooms to (in her upstairs/downstairs apartment fiefdom), arrived yesterday. Still tired but eager to get out, they were game for going on a jaunt to FabIndia and another place with interesting items. (Neither/Neither is shown below.) On the way back, I was the one to give the rickshaw driver directions. I guess I already know my way around my temporary, June home.

One funny note on the ride: We had been talking about the general docility of the street dogs, guessing that they had to be calm around traffic or else they'd be dispatched in short order. On our ride home, a dog stood idle in the street, seeming to prove our point, then decided to confuse us by charging my side of the rickshaw, pretending he meant to get close enough to sample my leg. I won't make any more assumptions about those pooches.

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