Apple Crates....

A day off work today but not a day off working. Had to check my computer to see who's on my team for next week. Was pleased to see lots of familiar names who I know work well and won't be a trouble to me allowing me to get on with my work.

And the garden for St. Ann's Square is never far from my mind. I needed some planters for the little fruit trees (they won't let me dig up St. Ann's Square) and I liked the look of some vintage apple crates that have been used in the garden at Manchester Art Gallery. I'd reconciled myself to a long drive over to Matlock Bath in Derbyshire where I'd seen some on eBay. But today I spotted some in the displays at a garden centre in High Legh. They were a bit more expensive than the ones in Matlock Bath but when you factor in petrol costs and time wasted I went for local. So that's another thing I can tick off my list.

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