A Cat's Eye View

Down low amongst the leaves of a Chatham Island Forget-me-not, the ground is not so comfortable after rain last night. A slight breeze rustles the leaves of  camellias and rhododendrons which tower above as my eye keeps a close watch on that bird bath - where are those little birds today?!
Wide Angle Wednesday's theme is 'A Cat's Eye View' and I've tried to keep my image as a cat would see it, soft focus and slightly blurred.
Some Cat Facts:
Cats have a peripheral vision of 30 degrees, humans 20 degrees.
The blurriness at the edge of the photo approximately represents the area of peripheral vision in cats.
Cats can't clearly focus on objects that are more than 20 feet away.
Cats colour vision is less vibrant than humans', a result of different densities of photoreceptors in their retinas.
Cats visual fields span 200 degrees; humans can only see 180 degrees.
Cats can see much better in dim light than humans can.
In addition to seeing better in the dark, cats are also better than humans at picking up quick movements.
I had great fun strolling through the garden and getting down low, certainly a great perspective to explore. Warm thanks to hobbs who is kindly hosting this months 'Wide Angle Wednesday' challenge.
Happy Wednesday everyone :)

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