Our little Lion

Sunday was our day to be home....and if you have known me very long, you certainly know how I cherish those days.  

The Hubby made breakfast.  The Sugar did her homework.  I did some reading, and computer time.  After breakfast, Sugar Bear and I went outside for some bubble time, and playing with our pets. Toby cat was feeling really playful, so Sugar brought out a toy, and I enjoyed trying to get some shots of him in action. 

 We checked on BOTH litters of bunnies.  The first batch is thriving.  The second batch is hanging in there...minus one baby.  :(  poor little thing didn't make it.  That was a sad find for us.  Crossing our fingers for the rest of the bunch.  

In the afternoon, we all headed to a nearby town for MORE rabbit food, and some groceries.  The Hubby decided to try to make salsa for the first time to take on the boat with him.  

We had a quiet evening.....sad to see the weekend go by.


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